+43 6562 62160
hotel@braurup.at DE | EN

Flair and tradition at the 4-star hotel in Mittersill

Welcome at ****Hotel Bräurup

Make yourself comfortable at Hotel Bräurup however you would like. No matter what you mean by that. For some it is to be pampered with culinary treasures and cozy hours in a traditional house with comfortable suites or rooms in Mittersill. For the other, a magical accommodation in an environment that is popular in terms of relaxation and sport summer how winter has more than enough to offer. For most people, best of all. You can be sure of relaxing and at the same time enjoyable vacation hours. Convince yourself and pay a visit to the traditional hotel in Mittersill.

Well-being holiday in the hotel in Mittersill

The flair and tradition of the Pinzgau style are clearly noticeable in our walls: vaults and wooden rooms from the 18th century as well as typical Austrian hospitality who welcomes guests as friends. Look forward to a different kind of stay in the 4-star hotel in Mittersill. Embedded in the magical landscape of the Austrian Alps, the Hotel Bräurup offers more than just one extensive sports and leisure program ; it also forms the suitable setting for relaxing hours in-house Wellness area . Also discover ours brewery and the charming *** s Hotel Heitzmann !

For the benefit of our guests and employees, we have decided to keep our hotel area and the restaurant SMOKE-FREE.

Leisure activities in the accommodation in the Hohe Tauern National Park

The ideal location of the accommodation in Mittersill makes the Bräurup the ideal starting point for summer and winter activities. As a fishing hotel in Austria, you have access to the largest, private, cohesive one Fishing area of the country back. The Hohe Tauern National Park is also great for cycling and hike . Your accommodation on the Tauern Cycle Path is also in the immediate vicinity of some of the most beautiful Golf courses of the region.

what are you waiting for? Take a look at that Prices and packages and send one today non-binding request to the Hotel Bräurup, your hotel in Mittersill, and look forward to an unforgettable holiday in the Austrian Alps.

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Hotel - Restaurant - Brauerei - Fischerei - Biolandwirtschaft Bräurup****
Kirchgasse 9
5730 Mittersill

T+43 6562 62160
F+43 6562 6216502