+43 6562 62160
hotel@braurup.at DE | EN

Free Bräurup FISHERY App

For Android and iPhone / iPad

With this free fishing app you can find out everything about the waters owned by the Hotel Bräurup in Mittersill.

Click here to go to the app:

TIP: Our app can also be accessed via desktop (PC/laptop)!

Advantages and functions of the Bräurup fishing app

With our app you always have the entire fishing area with you. You can save them to your home screen and access our detailed info & facts on all the region’s fishing spots and more offline (without an internet connection)!

Click through the different types of pitches and pitch details to find out more information about the location itself, accessibility and the right technology and equipment.

Get even more out of your fishing holiday in Austria – we would be happy to receive your non-binding enquiry !

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Hotel - Restaurant - Brauerei - Fischerei - Biolandwirtschaft Bräurup****
Kirchgasse 9
5730 Mittersill

T+43 6562 62160
F+43 6562 6216502