+43 6562 62160
hotel@braurup.at DE | EN


Current Bräurup water information

Everything about your fishing holiday in Austria at a glance: Here you will find current Bräurup water information. Which waters are currently open? Where are the fishing permits available? All that and more at a glance!

Water info:

Only a few Bräurup waters are currently still open.

Hollersbach reservoir restricted.

You can find the latest information about day fishing licenses here .

You are welcome to get detailed information in our fisherman store

You can find the current list of open waters for our house guests here .

We are already looking forward to welcoming you soon and will be happy to prepare one for you non-binding vacation offer !

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Hotel - Restaurant - Brauerei - Fischerei - Biolandwirtschaft Bräurup****
Kirchgasse 9
5730 Mittersill

T+43 6562 62160
F+43 6562 6216502